White Hat Institute

Scan the network with Armitage

Armitage is a scriptable apparatus for Metasploit that visualizes targets, suggests exploits, and exposes the advanced post-exploitation features in the framework. Its goal is to aid security professionals in better understand hacking and help them realize the power and potential of Metasploit.

Kali Linux comes with the Metasploit Framework installed. It is a good alternative on the off chance that you need to get fully operational with it quickly. To start the tool, find the Armitage in the application menu and click to run it.

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Once the startup process is complete, you’ll be presented with the main user interface. The Armitage UI has three main panels: modules, targets, and tabs. You may tap the area between these panels to resize them just as you would prefer.

Let’s perform a deep scanning technique on the network using this tool. To do so, click on the “Hosts” tab and select the “Nmap_Scan” menu. Nmap Scan menu will provide several scanning options; select the “Intense Scan” option to begin the scanning process. Alternatively, you may type “db_Nmap” in a console to dispatch Nmap with the options you choose.

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After the scanning is finished, you’ll be presented with a lot of information related to the target network. It’ll display all available open ports, running services, versions, OS banners, and many more.

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Armitage is a scriptable tool based on top of the Metasploit Framework. Through this tool, a client may dispatch scans and exploits, get attack suggestions, and utilize the high-level features of the Metasploit Framework’s meterpreter.